When the lock down was announced, many were taken by surprise and were not prepared for the long period of stay at home and social distancing. Some took it as an opportunity to hoard the essentials while others started helping out and giving back to the community.
It’s been over a month and many are getting antsy, wanting the lockdown to end so that they can go back to their regular life. What no one knows is how that will affect the spread of the virus thus affect you and your loved ones.
People are so looking forward to going out, eating at restaurants, going to salons, shopping, haircuts etc. that they have forgotten to focus on their health factor. If they get the virus and are not well enough to enjoy any of these activities, will they even benefit from the lifting of the lockdown?
One question worth considering is why are we so incompetent in taking care of ourselves, in feeling good about how we look naturally. Why are we so out of control that we don’t want to stay home even if that can save and our and others lives? Why can’t we turn our home into our sanctuary, a place where we let go of stress, relax, invite peace in, get spiritual and live in love?
While I was pondering these questions, realization came that it’s because of lack of focus on our emotional wellbeing. How many take time to gauge their emotional wellness? People are so busy trying to look good, dress good, make good money, chase power that that they forget the real, they forget their being, their emotional wellbeing. People get so busy chasing the glitter that they forget that this all emanates from the desire to feel good enough, the desire to be accepted, the desire to be emotionally well, the desire to feel happy.
Emotional wellbeing is a lifelong journey. It starts when we get a life and continues till, we get lifeless. It’s an integral part of how happy or not we are in our life’s journey. Positive traditions and values help shape up habits towards a happy, fulfilling life.
Some of the values we were taught since young, were:
‘Simple living, high thinking’
‘Being adaptable & flexible’
‘Faith & Trust’
‘Patience, Kindness, Respect’
‘Ethical, karma-based outlook’
‘Honesty & Integrity’
‘Resilience & perseverance’
No matter what happens in life, most often than not, it doesn’t go as planned. Those who focus too much on external things, tend to get more stressed out, anxious, angry and emotionally exhausted. While those that cater to their emotional wellbeing regularly are the ones who more often than not get more flexible, adapt to the situation, take it as a learning experience and reach out to help others. Emotional wellbeing not just helps create mental muscle, resilience, adaptability but also helps you count your losses, not fall apart and come out with innovative solutions when you are faced with dire, uncomfortable situations in your life.
Someone once said, ‘Change is the only constant’. The wise know that in order to not let change affect them adversely, it’s important to be emotionally well enough to be ready to accept and run with it, when it occurs. Enjoy the pause while you have it, appreciate every extra moment you have with your family, to do things you usually don’t have time for, to take time to reflect, to relax, to get that extra hour of sleep you usually don’t have when you get stuck in traffic. Enjoy the pause while you still have it, before you return back to the hustle-bustle of life. Enjoy the pause and don’t forget to keep sometime for your emotional wellness.
– Anita Kumari, Founder and CEO

This week marked the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (April 22). I am extremely grateful for the abundance of Nature around me. Truly, there is nothing more soothing and replenishing than spending some time in natural surroundings. I am very fortunate to live in California, a state with every form of natural scenery – from the vast beaches full of sand and breathtaking cliffs to majestic redwood forests to arid deserts (think Death valley) and the second deepest lake in the continental United States – Lake Tahoe. And who can forget the world-famous Napa Valley? We also have an abundance of fresh produce.
While growing up in a big city in India, I was extremely fortunate to have a national park right next to my home. The park has public access areas where people still go for exercise and picnics. My father instilled a love of nature in me at an incredibly young age, taking me to the park to feed deer in enclosures and take safari tours.
When I see certain parts of the world that are full of suffocating concrete buildings with no sight of greenery, I thank my stars.
As a society, we also owe a lot to environmentalists and eco-consciousness pioneers. As we pick up our organic fruits and vegetables from the grocery store or that natural disinfectant or buy recycled materials, let us think of all those people who struck out the first time to do things differently. Politicians, activists and entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers and artists have all contributed to keep our wilderness areas intact.
How is nature linked to happiness? Well, there is a direct correlation. Different studies such as listed in this Harvard University article show that spending time in nature can be a mood-uplifting and help deal with anxiety, stress and depression.
So, get your nature fix while staying at home. Maybe you could just spend time in your backyard or patio and let the sun rays dispel the cobwebs from your mind.
– Lakshmi Iyer, Happiness Factors Team

Roasted Butternut Squash and Kale
Butternut squash is one of those vegetables that has a long shelf life and is very versatile. It can be made into soups or pasta using a spiralizer or just as an add on to a dish such as quinoa, pilaf, noodles or regular pasta.
Kale is a versatile leafy green vegetable that can bring out your culinary creativity.
(4-5 servings)
1 medium sized whole butternut squash (If you are using store bought diced cubes, then one small box)
1 bunch of Lacinato or green kale
2 whole red chilies or 2 tbsp. chili flakes (optional)
1 tbsp. turmeric (optional)
1 tbsp. red chili powder or paprika or cayenne pepper
Few tbsp. of vegetable or olive oil
Salt to taste
Peel and dice the butternut squash into cubes if you are using whole squash. Add some turmeric, salt and cayenne pepper/paprika/chili powder to the cubes and mix all the ingredients well in a large mixing bowl.
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit (oven temperatures may vary). Place the seasoned squash cubes on a baking tray lined with vegetable oil or parchment paper. Bake for 40 minutes, turning cubes over after 20 minutes. If you would like them to be crispier, bake for an additional 10 minutes.
Turn off the oven when the cubes appear crispy and allow to cool outside.
Wash and rinse the kale thoroughly. Tear off the leaves from the stems and chop them into pieces.
In a pan, heat 2-3 teaspoons of olive or vegetable oil, add some cumin seeds, turmeric and the red chilies/chili flakes. Pour the chopped kale, add salt to taste and sauté, cover and steam for around 10 minutes.
Mix the kale with the baked butternut squash.
Enjoy with quinoa or pasta or bread or eat it by itself.

We care about our community! Our weekly webinar, “Happiness In Uncertain Times” is next Friday, 1st May at 3:00 pm PDT. Join us to learn proven breathing techniques to not just help you build strong immunity but also get better faster, should you get virus exposure!
Register on Eventbrite or send us an email at: happy@happinessfactors.com.

Last few weeks, I have become more philosophical than ever, maybe because staying in has caused a surge to look within for inspiration and for answers typically not found on Google or by asking Siri.
I am beginning to like this new adventure forced down on me. Perhaps this is the only way time could still our speed and be united to fight against one enemy – the pandemic. Not religion, country or color of the skin……but a virus that has shaken the world.
I look around me, everything has gone into a silent slow motion pace, no more the rush to get the girls to school on time, no more fighting the traffic in the mornings, no more trying to make something to eat in a rush, no more quick showers and fast paced lifestyle. Food has become limited too, no longer eating anything anytime.
And suddenly, I started painting again. But this time, I was more focused, more intense and I could give all of me to each piece I am working on. It is as if I am in a different zone, the noise of the outside world is no longer there. More than anything it has made me to reflect on what I really am passionate about, my connectedness with everyone around me and my art. No more excuses, no more distractions, I became one with myself and that has started to translate on canvas.
I will never forget this pandemic, apart from the global impact it is having, and all the concerns, the world has forever changed and I think it has forced us to rethink our lives, our relationships with the outside and inside. Life will never be the same again.
– Gousalya Siva, Reader and Contributor (Writing and Artwork)

Plant something – an herb or flower or a vegetable or fruit. It will feed your soul and probably your body, too.

“Vaasudeva Kutumbakam – (Sanskrit) The world is one family”
This planet is our home. Love it, cherish it…we are all one family.

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It’s a universal truth that life’s better when we are happy, healthy and fulfilled.
At Happiness Factors, we believe that your goal of joy and empowerment is achievable and starts with a strong happy mindset. We are here to help you not only achieve greater emotional wellness but also sustain it.
We offer different tools and strategies such as books, individual/group coaching and workshops for a lifetime of emotional wellness and happiness.

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