Spring is the season of happiness, the season of blooms, birds singing, flowers blooming, green meadows, sparkly streams, the time between winter and summer, where everything looks more beautiful! The sunshine feels warm and cozy. Its not too hot to dry the hills and not too cold to snow.
What do you envision when you think of Spring? How does it feel to let go of the dreariness of winter? Have you started spring cleaning? I don’t mean just the physical one, I mean the spring cleaning the dreary, negative, unhappy emotions that don’t have a place in the life in Spring! Make a list of everything that serves you and everything that doesn’t.
Divide these two lists into 4 parts, placing them under each category (we have a downloadable form to help you):
- Spring Emotions: These are emotions of happiness, joy, love, beauty, appreciation and more, that add the vibrant colors of spring to your life
- Summer Emotions: These are strong, intense, achievement-oriented emotions. Success, goal achievement, financial milestone, family addition, passion, exuberance and such.
- Fall Emotions: These are emotions tending more towards negativity but you are able to handle them effectively to incorporate more summer & spring emotions into your life! Envy, minor jealousy, annoyance, moodiness, ambiguity, lack of drive and such.
- Winter Emotions: These are the emotions which you need to get rid of in order to feel good, in order to have a life worth living! Not feeling good enough, feeling desperate, hopeless, unmotivated, lost, depressed, angry, unforgiving, too much ego and such.
In order to enjoy and experience the spring and summer emotions, it’s important to be consciously aware of how adversely the winter and fall emotions are impacting your life and keeping you from feeling happy and fulfilled and leading a good life. Our mindset coaches can help you get aware and create and effective plan to not just achieve your goals but build the mental muscle which programs you for achievement and success! Want to know your dominant emotions? Click the button below to get worklet!
By Anita Kumari
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